Weekly Medium Post Distillation Instructions

2 min readJan 28, 2021


Rashid Johnson, Antoine’s Organ (2016)

Beginning next week (February 4), you will be expected to post a distillation and reaction post on Medium each Thursday by 9am (unless otherwise noted) in response to the course materials. You will find instructions for what should be included in your regular weekly posts below:

Weekly Distillation and Reaction Guide

In your weekly Discussion Board post, please choose one piece of assigned analytical course material (not an assigned art piece to view) for the week and respond to the following questions. Please make sure to respond to EACH question.

  1. In 1–3 sentences, please articulate the thesis or main claim of the course material.
  2. What were your immediate reactions to the material as you engaged it? In other words, what specific portions of the material did you find particularly surprising, confusing, stimulating, disconcerting or off-putting? Here, you are especially encouraged to make brief reference to particular passages or portions from the material. Explain why you had this reaction. Additionally, if the materials confirmed or shifted your initial thoughts about the topic of the material in some way, explain how.
  3. Does the piece of material build upon or disrupt previous course materials we have encountered so far in class? In what ways?
  4. How does the piece of artwork you were assigned to view complement or challenge the piece of analytical material?
  5. Please articulate two discussion questions about the material. Feel free to pose a question that connects the topic of the material to an issue, current event, or piece of popular culture outside the course.

